Hump Day
2012-12-19Hump day a good day to get a little
of that last minute shopping done. I prefer the last day that way if there's none left you can't get it, which of course means you won't get it. All that's left in 2012 is for the boys to finish selling their Presents Under the Tree tickets which will be drawn for this Sunday at Home Hardware in Windsor. There's still tickets left so for those of you that haven't gotten yours yet they're only $5 a piece or 5 for $20. I'll be at Home Hardware from 1-4 on Friday and all day Sunday for any of you ambious players wanting to stop by and help. The draw will be around 4:00pm Sunday unless all the tickets are sold sooner.
Rip's 'nod' goes out to the boys that got their $100 worth sold and tickets turned in: Craig "Andee" Anderson, Brady "Fish" Fisher, Kyle "Kavie"Kavanagh, Nate "Captain Little" Little, Nicholad Mackenzie (hmm need a nick name here), Olafr "Smiddy" Schmidt, Andrew "future Engineer" Squires and last but not least Jory "Nuts" Uhlman(thanks to Wayne my parking lot know something like Coaches Corner). Good job boys, it all helps.
Next up"
Presents Under the Tree Draw December 23 then the Lucky winner can go buy 'luvvy' something special and maybe get a little.
Happy Holidays
Rip's 'nod' goes out to the boys that got their $100 worth sold and tickets turned in: Craig "Andee" Anderson, Brady "Fish" Fisher, Kyle "Kavie"Kavanagh, Nate "Captain Little" Little, Nicholad Mackenzie (hmm need a nick name here), Olafr "Smiddy" Schmidt, Andrew "future Engineer" Squires and last but not least Jory "Nuts" Uhlman(thanks to Wayne my parking lot know something like Coaches Corner). Good job boys, it all helps.
Next up"
Presents Under the Tree Draw December 23 then the Lucky winner can go buy 'luvvy' something special and maybe get a little.
Happy Holidays