Hump day
Hump Day a good day to
Hydrate so the crew can have lots of water to douse the Blazers with this weekend. Yep the first place Sackville Blazers are coming to town and the crew need the win to close the gap. Currently the Blazers have a three point lead however they have played three more games.
The muzzy crew looked good at practice the other night and looked like they got the bucket brigade ready to go. It was good to see Haysee on the blades for a skate with the boys, hope to see ya back soon. Speaking of Muzzy's, I see there is a new show coming on TV called Whisker Wars that some of the boys could probaly win in ten to fifteen years; the rest the cat can lick off when Mowvember is over.
So boys get in those jumping jacks , jogs, roll in the hay, biking and get ready to douse those flaming Blazers Saturday night.
Next up:
Sackville Blazers vs. Valley Maple Leafs
@ Kentville Centennial Arena
Saturday November 24, 7:30 pm
Til then keep yer stick on the ice(work on that) an the foot to the floor. For you "Twits" out there #VML #goingfor1st (dammed if I know)
The muzzy crew looked good at practice the other night and looked like they got the bucket brigade ready to go. It was good to see Haysee on the blades for a skate with the boys, hope to see ya back soon. Speaking of Muzzy's, I see there is a new show coming on TV called Whisker Wars that some of the boys could probaly win in ten to fifteen years; the rest the cat can lick off when Mowvember is over.
So boys get in those jumping jacks , jogs, roll in the hay, biking and get ready to douse those flaming Blazers Saturday night.
Next up:
Sackville Blazers vs. Valley Maple Leafs
@ Kentville Centennial Arena
Saturday November 24, 7:30 pm
Til then keep yer stick on the ice(work on that) an the foot to the floor. For you "Twits" out there #VML #goingfor1st (dammed if I know)